Sunday, June 12, 2011

Give Pizza a Chance

The question I get asked most often at Pizzeria Biga is: "What is your favorite pizza combination". Man, that is really a hard question to answer (especially for me). Every day my answer seems to be different. With the multitude of truly exceptional topping choices (over 50) at Pizzeria Biga the possibilities are virtually endless. However, I must admit, on my list of all time favorite flavor combinations (Yes, I really do have a list. I know, it's a sickness.) would have to start with the Biga Pizza Margherita. Now I've had Margherita's all over the U.S. and Italy with many truly memorable ones (especially in Italy), but simply put, Pizzeria Biga's Pizza Margherita is the best I've had, anywhere. As I always say, the beauty of true Italian cuisine lies in it's simplicity. Fresh ingredients with naturally forward flavors without some self absorbed chef trying to re-invent the already sublime beauty of nature (to me, a great chef has the best sources, not the best knives). Find the best and freshest ingredients, put a couple of them together, stand back and get out of the way, let them speak.  A sun-kissed, vine ripened, organically grown tomato paired with a bright green basil leaf and a drizzle of new olive oil is one perfect example. Add some real Italian DOP Mozzarella di Bufala and brother, I don't care what you believe in, if there's a heaven, this is the first course at your welcome to the neighborhood supper.

Pizzeria Biga, Pizza Margherita. A healthful biga fermented crust made without the addition of commercial or added sugars, raw vine-ripened tomatoes pureed with just a touch of sea salt, freshly picked, hand-torn basil leaves, a few morsels of buffalo mozzarella, a tiny drizzle of new olive oil, into a brick oven burning only wood (Michigan sugar maple to be exact) at 900 degrees and 90 seconds later...  You're at pizza with the world.

The best piece on Earth, right here at Pizzeria Biga.
 That’s just my humble opinion.

Wood is Good
Biga is Better

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